Option | Values | Description | Example |
url | http://.. | The URL of the webpage you'd like to take a screenshot of. Make sure to encode the URL! | url=http://xkcd.com |
width | WIDTH | Resizes the screenshot to a specified maximum width. Default value is the original size | width=400 |
viewport | WIDTHxHEIGHT | Sets the size of the virtual screen rendering the page. Default: smart width, full height | viewport=1980x1080 |
js | yes|no | Allows you to enable/disable JavaScript in the rendered Website. Default value: yes | js=yes |
type | jpg|png | Sets the output file format of the rendered screenshot. Default value: jpg | type=png |
onfail | [url of .jpg] | If the page can't be reached, this image will be displayed instead | http://http2pic.haschek.at/img/pagefailed.jpg |
ondomainfail | [url of .jpg] | If the web server can't be reached, this image will be displayed instead | http://http2pic.haschek.at/img/domainfailed.jpg |
cache | [any alphanumeric string] | If provided, caches the rendered image (based on the URL) so it loads faster on next request. The same cache id with the same url will return the cached image. Change cache id to re-render | f01d0 |
$url = 'http://www.xkcd.com';
$query = 'type=jpg&viewport=1200x330&url='.rawurlencode($url);
echo "<img src='$img' />";
$targeturl = 'http://www.xkcd.com';
$url = 'http://http2pic.haschek.at/api.php?url='.rawurlencode($targeturl);
$ch = curl_init($url);
$fp = fopen('xkcd.jpg', 'wb');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);